25th Blantyre TPW,  27 June 2009

This year’s Three Peaks Walk as usual set off a brisk pace.  The weather was lovely and brisk.  Walking in the dark through Blantyre is never the most pleasant of things to do but it is always worth it for the sun coming up on Michiru.  By the shortcut through Chilimoni we had already left a small group off the pace (37-41 and they eventually made it to the Johnston House under their own directions).  A few walkers on Michiru were obviously going to go no further and came back the same way (44, 45).  We hit the breakfast spot with time to spare and by the time of leaving almost everybody was in.

Through the Conservation area to Swiya turnoff no problems but then yours truly went off the beaten track.  Willie warned us (a group of five) we were going the wrong way but Fanwell was convinced it was a shorter way.  We thought as a ‘local’ he might be right.  He was not!  He took us about 2 km off the route and we ended up way off Chirimba.  Walking like Trojans we caught the main group up before the Johnston's House but Fanwell was in the bad books.

Ndirande went like a breeze – very hard work as usual, working hard to get through the gully to the summit.  At Kamuzu View a lot of people dropped out and several took lifts to Soche.  That left the hard core working their way through, over to Nkolokoti and through Limbe.

Martin and Miriam joined us to Soche Summit – going the route I took last year.  Rita was struggling at this point but she made the Three Peaks- shall I give her a certificate?

As a large group we made BSC and a welcoming drink at the bar.  Was Joyce the youngest to do the 3 peaks?  My records show Aaron Hanson at 11 years and 4 months in 2005 as being the youngest.  I do believe that Joyce is younger than that but I will have to confirm.  For the moment let us say that Joyce is the youngest person to do the Three Peaks Walk.  Well done Joyce!!

Many thanks to Phil Pile and Martin Horrocks for the back-up without which we would not survive.

People were charged 500 mwk.  This was split between Martin and Phil for the goodies and petrol.  For the records an additional 10,000 mwk was paid to Forestry workers to clear the route up Michiru (and what a good job that was too).

I do believe that is my 10th time at leading the Three Peaks.  See you next year!

Gordon Benbow



© WDYFO, 2009